Thursday, January 4, 2007

Seek The Lord

"When you know who you are, you don't have to struggle to live up to what someone else thinks you're supposed to be. That was Jesus' attitude when He met the woman at the well. As she approached, with her water pot on her shoulder, she was all upset and worried.
Jesus went straight to the heart of her problem. "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst" (John 4:13, 14). Jesus went on to tell her all about herself and her five husbands-things that only God could know.
Like this woman, you may be wounded and upset. This kind of hurt can't be healed through human effort. you must get in the presence of God and let Him fill the voids in your life. Follow God's advice in Deuteronomy 4:29-31 and "Seek the Lord your God." You will not settle it by going from friend to friend. This woman had already tried that. She had gone through five men. The answer is not getting another man. It's getting in touch with The Man-Jesus the Lord.
After she met Jesus, the woman at the well didn't even go back home. She threw down her water pot and ran into the city to tell everyone to come and see the Man who had told her about like. This woman could never have rid herself of the old man until she met the new Man.
When you meet the new, you find the power to say good-bye to the old. You will never be able to break the grip of those former ways on your life until you know Jesus Christ. You must come to Him just as you are. If something has attached itself to you that is not of God, you won't be able to break it in your own strength. "Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). Knowing Him will give you the power to break away from the old self and the ties that hold you prisoner to your past.
Jesus satisfies. Everyone else may pacify, but He satisfies. Seek His presence. He meets every need and every yearning. He heals every pain and every affliction. He lifts every burden and every trouble in your life. He's The Man!"

T.D. Jakes
Thou Art Loosed

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