Is your heart broken because of immoral relationships-perhaps incest-that took place in your home when you were young and vulnerable? Women who have a desperate need for male attention have usually come from a s situation where there have been no positive male role models in the home. Since they didn't get enough nurturing as girls, they find it easy to compromise and agree to do anything to gain male acceptance and love.
Millions of women have longed for a loving embrace from fathers who walked out on them or were never around. If you're one of those women, there is a way to fill the emptiness inside. The Lord will fill that void in your life. He wants to be the heavenly Father who will mend your heart. Through His Spirit, He wants to hold you. He wants to give you a hug.
Look for His helpers in the Church. Many men are learning that a woman who is not their wife is to be treated as a sister. Big brothers protect their little sisters' they do not take advantage of them. A brotherly and sisterly love does not include sexual intimacy or self-gratification.
The Song of Solomon shows a progression of the relationship between the writer and his wife. She was his "sister" before she was his bride. Solomon wrote of protecting a little sister. "Enclose her with boards of cedar" (see Song of Solomon 8:9). The Church is God's cedar chest!
God's people are to nurture and protect one another. It makes no difference how turbulent your past life has been, God still cares. Allow Him the privilege of doing what Absalom did for Tamar. When Tamar lay outside Amnon's door-broken and brutally violated-Absalom took er in and cared for her (see 2 Samuel 13:19-20).
The secret of being transformed from a vulnerable victim to a victorious, loving person is found in the ability to open your past to someone responsible enough to share your weakness and pain. There can be no better first step toward deliverance than to find Christian counselor or pastor, and come out of hiding. If you seek God's guidance and the help of competent leadership, you will find someone who can help you work through your pain and suffering. The Church is a body. No one operates independent of another. We are all in this together.---T.D.Jakes
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