Friday, June 1, 2007

Today's Scripture
“Because of your faith it will happen.” (Matthew 9:29)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Most believers just don’t expect enough from God. God can do all things at any time, but many of His own followers put Him in a box and try to close Him in. Don’t do that to God, because He is too big and too great to fit in your box or anyplace else. Stay away from phrases like, “I wish I was as happy as I was before,” or “If I could just get a job like the one I used to have.” God doesn’t want to bring you out just like you were before. He wants to bring you out better than you were before! He wants to move you forward and grow you in His blessings. God’s desire is to increase you and make you stronger, happier and healthier. God loves you with an unconditional, unending love. You have all that you need to live the abundant life that Jesus promised!
A Prayer for Today
God, I know that I can expect the best from You. Thank You for being willing to give me even greater things than I can ask or imagine. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

0 what's on your heart: