Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Proverbs 13:12 (NIV)
Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

Are you still waiting on your healing, family member’s salvation, unfaithful husband’s repentance, trying to get pregnant or breakthrough in a certain area? Do you think God has forgotten you? Fear not, because He has a word for you today. Just as God kept His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Moses He will surely keep His promise with you.

Whatever it is that you are waiting for or whatever that God promised you don’t give up on hope. We are walking in finished works so freight not, you already have the victory in Christ Jesus. Take your eyes off of man and self and focus them on God. Reposition yourself, put on the full armor of God and dig your heels in the word of God. God knows all that He has for you.
Yes, you maybe hurting, yes, you may want to throw in the towel, yes, things may not seem fair, yes the promise is taking a little longer then what you expected. But know this, we serve a Mighty God. Allow God to perfect what He has placed in you. Don’t despise the process from going to the pit to the palace. Let patience have its perfect work in you. God is building you to last in this last hour. You might even be saying, “Jesus already went through hell, so why do I?!” “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” If they gave Jesus the King OF Kings, Son of God living hell on earth then what more do you think you are going to experience. Besides, don’t you want to reign with the Most High God. Are we not ambassadors here on this earth? Aren’t we to set examples of Christ for others to see God’s light and truth through us? No, it’s not always easy, but guess what, “you can do ALL things through Christ that strengthens you!” Philippians 4:13(KJV).

Ask God for more grace and He will give it willingly. Give all of your heart to God for He’s waiting. All the secret areas or hidden sin, and wrong motivate, whatever it is, release it now in Jesus name. Submit all of your concerns, worries, doubts, and fear. And receive His love, assurance, and peace in Jesus name!

Take off the garment of despair, and put on the garment of praise. God has not forgotten you! Speak words of life and not death over your situation. Yes, you are Healed, Yes, you are free and delivered from what the devil has had you bound to. I command the oppression over you to be broken right now in Jesus name! Be free in Jesus name from the lies of the enemy, you are no longer a prisoner. Come out of alliance with fear, doubt, and unbelief and realign yourself with hope, peace and faith. You are the head and not the tail. You are above only and not beneath Deuteronomy 28:13. You are in the final stages of receiving your promise. Don’t give up now. Does a woman giving birth give up on the last push? No! So neither shall you! Receive today and let the words of the Lord recharge you for your promise are here! Now wait on His timing. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt 6:33 (KJV). Remember you are not alone for the Holy Spirit is your comforter. Rest in His arms today and allow God to restore your hope.
I love you and stay encourage.
Yours truly,

2 what's on your heart:

Ijeoma said...

Hey, this is an interesting blog you have here. I am actually interested in your Golden Wive's club. What is your email address? I will send you my email address so that you can add me to the list. Keep up the good work...I know it is not easy to maintain so many wonderful good blogs. Talk to you soon,


Lady A said...

Thanks and no problem. I will add you asap!