Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Isaiah 53:4-12

You have been called out and separated by God. You were not created to be popular. You were not called to cliques or clubs. You were chosen to fit in the hands of God who has already accepted you. Insecurity dissipates in the reality of divine truth. How I want you to know the height and the dept of His unfathomable love for you!

Some women or men have never been secure in the love of their natural fathers, and it affects how they view their heavenly Father. But listen to me. There is no doubt about His love. He made the ultimate sacrifice just to prove the authenticity of His love for you.

You are so valuable that Satan held you for ransom, knowing that your Father was so rich! He asked of God, "What would you give to see this woman or man freed?" Your Father sent His Son armed with love and wrapped in flesh. He said, "This is how much I think she/he is worth." Jesus hung His head between His shoulders and died naked on a tree because you mean so much to Him.

Never again insult His great sacrifice by questioning His love. You may not see it or understand it, but believe it. He absolutely loves you. Not just when you are right. He loves you when you are wrong. That is what gives you the power to right the wrongs you've made. He wants desperately to heal the aching heart that has believed the lies of life. You are special and vibrant, full of potential and possibilities. You are the daughter of a King. You are the son of a King. He is the King who spared no expense to pay the ransom that delivered you from the things that held you hostage. Get a clue; catch the hint; you are somebody!

These are the truths He wants every believer to know. There are the words I found in the Bible. It is a living love letter to a dying world. It is a statement of intent from a God who wants you to have it all.

His arms are outstretched. He is waiting for you in the secret place. He will not fail you. Rise up, rise up with a quickened pulse and a gleaming eye. He is all yours, and it is good. A no from His is as sweet as a yes. It is the evidence of His intense attraction to you and His raging love for you. Your life is about to crescendo into a symphony of praise. When His plan crescendos, you will be glad you didn't settle for you own way. He is up to something. Do not miss it!

0 what's on your heart: